
XSS vulnerabilities and Webroot disclosure within BBC Betsie

Vulnerability found:
28 January 2008
Vendor informed:
21 July 2009
Severity level:
Richard Brain of ProCheckUp Ltd (
Betsie ( is vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting, by injecting malicious characters into the requested path.
Additionally, Betsie discloses the webroot when the program is called without any parameters.


An attacker may be able to cause execution of malicious scripting code in the browser of a user who clicks on a link to a Betsie site. Such code would run within the context of the target domain. This type of attack can result in non-persistent defacement of the target site, or the redirection of confidential information (i.e.: session IDs) to unauthorised third parties.

Attackers can redirect victim users to third-party sites. Such behaviour can help attackers perform phishing attacks by redirecting the victim to a spoof login page.

Client environment

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.11
Proof of concept:


webroot disclosure:


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